CAFÉ Update November 1, 2021
01 November 2021What Do Carving, Chocolate, and Umami have in Common?
They are the last three Taste of CAFÉ events for 2021.
1/12/2021 Knife Skills and Carving in Columbus, OH
11/19/2021 Elegant Chocolates Made Easy in Port Huron, MI
12/03/2021 Umami in North Charleston, SC (Rescheduled from Oct. 8th)
For information and registration, click here
Knife Skills and Carving
Instructors: Chef Joshua Wickham and Titus Arensberg
Objectives: Participants completing the program will be able to 1) Learn about and discuss teaching carving and professional level knife skills through an interactive live lecture with professional Carver Titus Arensberg and Chef Joshua Wickham. 2) Discover and witness the finer points of ice carving through a live demonstration by a carving professional. 3) Explore fruit and vegetable carving with lecture and guided hands-on experience. 4) Learn new techniques and strategies for teaching students knife skills. This will include a knife skills self-assessment and hands on experience.
Registration Deadline is November 5th
Event information, click here
To Register, click here
Objectives: Participants completing the program will be able to 1) Demonstrate processes and techniques in creating chocolates. 2) Successfully temper 3 different types of chocolate couverture. 3) Demonstrate an understanding of the use and care for the tools and equipment used in chocolate shops. 4) Operate different types of chocolate equipment to produce consistent and profitable chocolate candies.
Friday, November 19th, hosted by The Culinary Institute of Michigan a Division of Baker College Port Huron Campus in Port Huron, Michigan.
Elegant Chocolates Made Easy
Instructor: Chef Scott Twichell, CEPC and Pastry Chef Instructor
Registration Deadline is November 12th
Event information, click here
To Register, click here
Friday, December 3rd, hosted by Culinary Institute of Charleston at Trident College, North Charleston, South Carolina.
Doing a Deep Dive into Umami: Unlocking the culinary power of our fifth taste.
Instructor: Chef Chris Koetke
Registration Deadline is November 17th
Event information, click here
Benefits of Joining CAFÉ
- FREE monthly magazine written by and for foodservice instructors
- FREE bi-monthly podcasts with broad representation from the hospitality profession
- FREE website www.CafeMeetingPlace.com which is full of resources for every level instruction
- FREE YouTube Channel with tools and presentations geared for you, the hospitality educator, featuring our Coffee with CAFÉ, 20-minute trends presentations
- INCLUDED subscription to the “Journal for Culinary Education Best Practices”
- INCLUDED discounts to CAFÉ events
- INCLUDED Lesson Plans to correlate with the podcasts
- AVAILABLE Cash Awards (=$10K) for your/your programs’ efforts in technology, innovation, community outreach, entrepreneurship, sustainability as well as recognition of educators
Where Do You Find All Of These Benefits?
Please consider joining CAFÉ. Your membership ($75 for an individual; $200 for an institution; and $350 for an industry partner) enables us to continue our mission of linking the foodservice classroom with the foodservice industry. Go to Resource-Center/Membership to sign up TODAY!!
CAFÉ Talks Podcast – Season 4