CAFE Talks Podcast

Mar 28, 2025, 23:35
CAFÉ Talks Ep. 64 – Change and the Era of On-line Education

CAFÉ Talks Ep. 64 – Change and the Era of On-line Education

Kirk Bachmann, Chef

What would Escoffier think? This is a question that many chefs ask at times when a major shift in menu or concept is being contemplated, or when an educator is faced with the need to adjust content or methods of delivery. Change is difficult for anyone and at times we need to not only look back for guidance but also look forward for opportunity.

Join CAFÉ Talks for an important discussion about on-line delivery methods for culinary arts students with Chef Kirk Bachmann, President and Provost for the Escoffier School in Boulder, Colorado. This is a very important topic as the restaurant industry and culinary education move forward through challenging times.