CAFE Weekly News

Feb 24, 2025, 4:23

CAFE Update October 25, 2017

20 October 2017

Educator of the Year Award

Sysco web

Thanks to Sysco for sponsoring the Educator of the Year Award for 2018! This award is open to secondary and postsecondary educators as well as culinary educators working within the non-profit training sector. There will be two awards given.

There is no actual application form, but please include a cover letter to the Awards Selection Committee summarizing the nominee’s commitment to quality education as well as to his/her students and the advancement of the culinary, baking & pastry, and hospitality professions.

Specific documentation that is suggested/required can be found here.

Deadline for the award application is April 1, 2018. Winners will be notified no later than May 1, 2018 and will each receive $1,500 as well as a complimentary registration to the CAFE Leadership Conference, June 14-16, 2018, in Milwaukee.

Thank you to Sysco for their ongoing support of culinary educators!

Meet a Presenter

Jon Deutsch webJonathan Deutsch, Ph.D., is Professor of Culinary Arts and Food Science at Drexel University. He is the James Beard Foundation Impact Fellow, leading a national curriculum effort on food waste reduction for culinary educators. Before moving to Drexel, Deutsch built the culinary arts program at Kingsborough Community College, City University of New York (CUNY) and the Ph.D. concentration in food studies at the CUNY Graduate Center. At Drexel, he oversees the Drexel Food Lab, a culinary innovation and food product research and development lab focused on solving real world food system problems.

He is the author or editor of seven books including Barbecue: A Global History(with Megan Elias), Culinary Improvisation, and Gastropolis: Food and Culture in New York City (with Annie Hauck-Lawson). He earned his Ph.D. in Food Studies and Food Management from New York University, and is an alumnus of the Culinary Institute of America, and Drexel University.

Dr. Deutsch will be on one of the Innovation Panels at the Deans and Directors Retreat, March 2-4, 2018, in San Antonio. He will be sharing the James Beard Foundation’s efforts (and giving us a peak at the curriculum developed) in reducing food waste in restaurants.

Click here for Deans and Directors Retreat Tentative Agenda, Registration, and Hotel Info. Hotel deadline for San Antonio is January 28, 2018.

CAFE Ambassadors

Would you be interested in hosting a one-day Taste of CAFE event at your school this year? The topic could be of your choosing and we would help you with the invitations and registrations.

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any interest. We’re still working on the idea and would love to see how much interest there might be in this outreach.


January 28, 2018
Deans and Directors Retreat Hotel Deadline

March 2-4, 2018
6th Annual Deans and Directors Retreat, San Antonio, TX

March 30, 2018
Deadline for Green Award and Food Entrepreneurship Award

April 1, 2018
Deadline for IPC Innovation Award and Educator of the Year Award

June 14-16, 2018
13th Annual CAFE Leadership Conference, Milwaukee, WI