CAFE Weekly News

Mar 31, 2025, 22:52

CAFE Update March 21, 2018

02 April 2018

In Search of

Howard Community College - Chair, Hospitality/Culinary

The Chair, Hospitality/Culinary is a full-time, budgeted faculty who works collaboratively with the Dean, the Associate Dean, other Department Chairs, and Course Coordinators, for a 3-year appointment on a 12-month contract, and reports directly to the Dean of the Business and Computer Systems Division. The chair provides the vision and leadership required to realize the mission of the Culinary and Hospitality program including strategic planning for the department. Primary administrative responsibilities include maintaining American Culinary Federation Education Foundation (ACFEF) and Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration (ACPHA) accreditation; program development; independent project management and collaboration with the team. This position acts as an advocate for the mission of the program to both college and external constituencies.

HCC tag

More information, requirements and application link:

JCABP Logos FINAL small

Call for Journal of Culinary Eduction Best Practices Submissions

CAFE members have the opportunity to not only enjoy our juried articles in the field of culinary education best practices, but to also submit articles for consideration.

For more information, click here.

PS: There is a NEW article online. Become a member and a subscriber here.

Award Deadlines

Don’t miss an opportunity to apply for the CAFE Awards:

  • Innovations in connecting culinary/baking students/programs with industry
  • Innovations in how your program is entrepreneurial in its practices (think business models!)
  • Innovations in sustainability practices in your program
  • Educators of the Year: both secondary and postsecondary

Cash prizes, comp conference registrations. For more information, click here.


14th Annual CAFE Leadership Conference

Don’t miss the best three-day conference for culinary/baking/pastry/hospitality educators in the year!

June 14-16, 2018 our hosts at Milwaukee Area Technical College are eager to welcome educators from around the U.S. to their downtown campus.

Highlights include:

  • Hands on Master Classes
  • Opening night reception
  • Full Day of Industry Trends
  • Partner InfoFair
  • Full Day of Educational Best Practices
  • Showing of the movie “Wasted” narrated by Anthony Bourdain
  • ACF continuing education hours

CAFE Membership

Join the one organization that is representing you to industry and dedicated to sharing both challenges and solutions in our online magazine, our Journal of Best Practices, our website, and our events.

Membership in The Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education (CAFE) is only $50!

For more information, click here.

albertFood Trucks

As promised, we are sharing some of the power point presentations from our Deans and Directors Retreat held in early March and hosted by St. Philip’s College.

Albert Schmid from Guilford Technical Community College presented on how his program has incorporated the running of food trucks into their curriculum offerings.

Click here to see his presentation.

2018 Awards


Brightwater Award for Sustainability
Brightwater Award for Entrepreneurship

IPC Seal web

Idaho Potato Commission Awards for Innovations in internships/externships/work experience

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Sysco Awards for Teachers of the Year


April 1, 2018
Deadline for Green Award, Food Entrepreneurship Award, IPC Innovation Award, and Educator of the Year Award

May 15, 2018
Cut off for hotel block in Milwaukee (rooms not guaranteed)

June 14-16, 2018
14th Annual CAFE Leadership Conference, Milwaukee, WI

July 15-19, 2018
ACF Cook.Craft.Create, New Orleans, LA