CAFE Weekly News

Mar 31, 2025, 23:04

CAFE Update April 11, 2018

11 April 2018

The Year is Winding Down

Spring Break is over, award deadlines are past, students are preparing for final exams and major projects that are due.

What are your plans for the summer?

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with what your plans are:

  • An industry job?
  • A travel experience?
  • The CAFÉ conference?
  • Other industry conference?
  • Pure taking it easy?
  • Designing new curriculum?
  • Working on a higher degree for yourself?
  • Other?

There are no right/wrong answers! We’ll share (anonymously) what you are planning and perhaps how you are funding it.

Keep in Mind

The CAFE Leadership Conference is designed with you and your position as a foodservice instructor in mind. Industry, teaching methods, hands on classes for mastery of specific topics, networking with both industry supporters as well as fellow teachers from around the country.

Click here to register.

Thank You to our Award Sponsors!

These groups have stepped up to help us recognize you as instructors as well as what you are doing to ensure your programs are up to date and relevant.

Please say hello to them at the conference or feel free to email them with your appreciation. CAFE could not do this without their support.


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What's New with CAFE?

  • We introduced membership (with great benefits) and almost 100 of you have signed up in the last three months!
  • We launched a new “Journal for Culinary Education Best Practices” thanks to our editor, Jackson Lamb and our group of educators who review the submissions.
  • We formed an alliance with the American Culinary Federation which offers our members discounts at their events.
  • We designed a Chat Room for discussions on topics relevant to what you do.
  • We offered our 6th annual Deans and Directors Retreat in early March which was a great success.
  • We are planning our 14th Annual CAFE Leadership Conference June 14-16 in Milwaukee.
  • We publish a monthly magazine, “The Gold Medal Classroom” with columnists Adam Weiner, Paul Sorgule, and Fred Mayo and we have guest columnists as well as industry updates each month including our new feature: Meet the Growers.
  • We send out weekly updates to you to keep you up to date on contests, award programs, job openings, D.E.A.L. (Deals for Education and Learning) of the Week.

What's New with You?

  • Send us your press releases
  • Give us your story ideas
  • Tell us what you would like to see at workshops/conference
  • Share your success stories with programs and students
  • Introduce us to other educators we should be reaching out to:

Mary Petersen, Executive Editor, GMC This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lisa Parrish, Editor GMC This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Beard Learn horiz twitter

Applications for James Beard Foundation's 2018 Scholarship Program Opened April 1

Beginning April 1, the James Beard Foundation will accept applications for over 100 scholarships, tuition waivers, and grant opportunities in 2018. This year more than $690,000 will be available for both new and returning scholarships, including for the JBF National Scholars Program.

Go to for details.


May 15, 2018
Cut off for hotel block in Milwaukee (rooms not guaranteed)

June 14-16, 2018
14th Annual CAFE Leadership Conference, Milwaukee, WI

July 15-19, 2018
ACF Cook.Craft.Create, New Orleans, LA