CAFE Weekly News

Mar 31, 2025, 23:20

CAFE Update April 25, 2018

26 April 2018

What You Can't Miss

Jon Deutsch 2 web

James Beard Foundation Impact on Culinary Education

CAFE is happy to be working with the James Beard Foundation at this year’s Leadership Conference, June 14-16, 2018.

The Foundation has been working diligently for the past year on developing curriculum which would become a part of culinary arts programs throughout the country. Their mission: to reduce restaurant waste.

Attendees at the conference will have the ability to take a hands-on class with Jon Deutsch from Drexel University who will discuss and demonstrate ways to reduce waste in the kitchen.

There will also be a panel discussion about the curriculum and how attendees can be a part of this movement on our Educational Best Practices Day.

And there will be a showing of the movie “Wasted” starring Anthony Bourdain on Friday “Happy Hour” after the day’s programming on trends.

Click here to register, get hotel information, and see the tentative agenda.

VM Lakefront Pierhead HiRes 0001 webYou Can't Miss Visiting Milwaukee!

Check out these links to see the wide range of “things to do” in this great city!

You Can't Miss Using Your Discounts for CAFE Membership

Whether it is for the upcoming Leadership Conference or the ACF July annual convention, you can’t miss using your discounts!

Other member benefits include subscription to the “Journal of Culinary Education Best Practices” as well as the NEW Chat room!

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Click here to become a CAFE member. Only $50/year!

And You Can't Miss Thanking Our Sponsors

Sponsor/partners not only help us keep the cost of events low, but they ALSO:

  • Share their stories
  • Share resources for the classroom
  • Offer awards and contests

Check out our sponsor page as well as the resource guide. Be sure to enjoy their signature dish stations at the opening night reception, their trend presentations, and their “goodies” in the attendee gift bags. Say hello to them at the InfoFair!


May 15, 2018
Cut off for hotel block in Milwaukee (rooms not guaranteed)

June 14-16, 2018
14th Annual CAFE Leadership Conference, Milwaukee, WI

July 15-19, 2018
ACF Cook.Craft.Create, New Orleans, LA