CAFE Weekly News

Mar 2, 2025, 20:15

CAFE Update September 12, 2018

01 October 2018

Back to School

Postsecondary Deans and Directors: Watch Your Mail!

You’ll be receiving your Save the Date card for the 2019 Deans and Directors Retreat to be held March 15-17 in Charleston, South Carolina.

This is an issues-driven event which addresses the challenges of leadership in today’s environment. We bring in outside-our-industry speakers as well as share innovations in panel formats.

For registration and hotel information, click here. An agenda will be posted this fall. We begin with an icebreaker on Friday evening and finish after lunch on Sunday.

CAFE members receive a $25 discount on the registration fee! Click here for membership information.

Call for Presentations

We are happy to announce the theme for the 2019 Conference: Culinary Education Revolution! Keeping our programs relevant, vibrant, and impactful. And we’re looking for presentations in three categories for the Educational Best Practices Day:

  1. Program Innovations—what’s new in how you are offering your program or working with other organizations to make your program evolve?
  2. Teaching Innovations—we know that there are new ways of teaching as well as new ways of learning. What are your experiences that you can share with other educators?
  3. Sustainability/Doing Good Efforts—this movement is here to stay. Let us know how your program has not only built in sustainability efforts as well as doing good outreach, but that they have proven results.

There will be three presenters in each of these categories. Your application to present should include: Your name, title, school/organization, contact information (phone and email) and a paragraph describing your one-hour proposed presentation.

Presenters do get $100 discount on their registration fee. The Conference is June 20-22, 2019, in Charlotte, NC. Please ensure that you will be able to be there!

Send your application no later than September 30 to Jon Deutsch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Mary Petersen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Help us build a fantastic event as we seek to share best practices among the community of foodservice instructors.

NEW Mango org 1National Mango Board

Go to National Mango Board for information on fall varieties, recipes from Chef Dave Woolley and the Mango curriculum (approved by the ACF).


September 30, 2018
Leadership Conference Presenter Proposals Due

March 15-17, 2019
Deans and Directors Retreat, Charleston, SC

June 20-22, 2019
15th Annual CAFE Leadership Conference, Charlotte, NC