CAFE Weekly News

Jan 31, 2025, 20:01

CAFÉ Update January 18, 2021

18 January 2021

Free Foodservice Instructor Resources

Perfect Puree 12 pack

An Offer

The Perfect Purée of Napa Valley invites educators to experience first hand ultimate fruit flavor with complimentary sample boxes for foodservice instructors and professionals. Introduce students to unfamiliar flavors and hard-to-source fruits like Lychee, Guava and Tamarind. Experiment with flavor builds, explore unique blends and experience true fruit flavor in their concentrates and zests.

In 2020, The Perfect Purée introduced two new flavors, Red Jalapeño purée and Peach Ginger blend. Instructors can use the sample box as a culinary toolkit. Visit for hundreds of recipes to inspire your classroom. 

Sample boxes can be requested at any time and include up to 12 flavors from their collection of 21 single-note flavors, 12 blends and seven concentrates (40 flavors in total). Any shipping restrictions are noted on the site. A physical address is required for delivery. 

Go to: for your sample box.

There is a great Culinary Recipes & Tips guide that can be downloaded:

An Invitation from CHRIE

Culinary SIG Meeting Graphic


An Appeal

JOIN CAFÉ for discounts, access to publications, and Podcast Lesson Plans.

SUPPORT CAFÉ to keep a resource-rich website, magazine, podcasts, and links with industry.

You can join as an individual; you can join as an institution; you can join as an industry partner.

To join (and we hope you do!!), go to:

If you were a prior member and would like to renew your current membership, please go to and login to renew your current membership.

If you want to transfer from a previous Individual Membership to an Institutional Membership, please review the following instructions here.

CAFÉ 2021 Awards Program

idaho2021 Idaho Potato Commission Innovation Awards

CAFÉ is proud to be partnering with the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) once again as they sponsor the Innovation Awards for 2021.

This Award recognizes educators and/or programs at both the secondary and postsecondary levels who have shown to be innovative in their approaches to effective culinary arts education.

Click here for more information about the Innovations Award.

Kendall NLU RGB2021 Kendall College Entrepreneurship Award

Thanks to Kendall College for once again sponsoring the Entrepreneurship Award for 2021.

This Award identifies culinary programs that either (1) teach or encourage entrepreneurship in their programming or (2) implement revenue-generation and cost savings into their operations.

Click here for more information about the Entrepreneurship Award.

Sysco web2021 Sysco Educator of the Year Award

Thanks to Sysco for again sponsoring the Educator of the Year Award for 2021! This award is open to secondary and postsecondary educators as well as culinary educators working within the non-profit training sector. There will be two awards given.

For more information about the Educator of the Year Award, click here.

USB2021 Green Award

We are pleased to announce that the 2021 Green Award will be offered to individuals/culinary programs that emphasize sustainability or other “green” aspects in their programs.

This Award is sponsored by the United Soybean Board who is proud to reach out to educators and to recognize their efforts instructing students in the importance of agriculture in their selection of products and designing of menus.

Past winners have implemented aquaculture farms, gardens, farm-to-table menus, waste reduction and more!

For more information about the Green Award, click here.