CAFE Weekly News

Mar 5, 2025, 13:44

CAFÉ Update February 22, 2021

22 February 2021

Coffee with CAFÉ

You are Invited to:

Join us at 12 p.m. EST on Friday mornings for 20-minute trends presentations, especially aimed at your work in the culinary/baking/pastry classrooms.

Chefs with special expertise in given topics will introduce you to something new each Coffee with CAFÉ event. This way you can keep on learning so that your students are continually knowing what they will need to know in industry.

February 26th, 12 noon EST

cwc update picture

Join Alan Kahn and Chef Adam Moore from the Idaho Potato Commission as they provide you with inspiration to take back to your classroom using Idaho Potatoes. In this 20-minute session, they will cover how the IPC supports chefs and operators, off-premise innovation, shifting customer expectations and potato-based inspiration for today’s culinarian.

Coffee with CAFÉ segments will be recorded and put on CAFÉ’s YouTube channel, Cafemeetingplace, so you can watch them at a different time and/or use them as part of your classes. 

Signups are limited to the first 100. Please keep an eye out for our email invite to register for this event.


A Lot Going On

  • Did you miss the umami presentation? Go to CAFÉ’s YouTube page CAFEmeetingplace where you will see the Power Point presentation as well as the chef demo on this fascinating topic.
  • Our 19th podcast will be launched on Wednesday, February 24, featuring Matt Funiciello, one of Americas’ premier artisan bread bakers who owns and operates Rock Hill Bakehouse in Glens Falls, New York. 
  • Check out our latest Lesson Plan by Dr. Randall McNamara. Podcast Ep.10 Peter Sproul - The Educational Experience Topic: Sustainability, food waste, food supply chain, food system.
  •  Support CAFÉ by becoming a member. Go to Membership for more information.
  • Our Awards programs celebrating educators, technology, sustainability, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Go to Awards for more submission guidelines

CAFÉ Talks Podcasts–New Lesson Plan!cafe podcast logo final

Thanks to Dr. Randall McNamara, we have our next lesson plan which will coordinate with the podcast interview #10 with Peter Sproul - The Educational Experience

Topic: Sustainability, food waste, food supply chain, food system.

You can access the lesson plans we are producing by being a CAFÉ member. Click here for the list of interviews and ones that have the lesson plan links will be available to you as a member. (New lesson plans will be added each week.)
To see the listing of the CAFÉ Talks Podcasts, click here.
To sign up to receive notifications of new podcasts, click here.
To see a suggested podcast lesson plan on how to teach flavors, click here.

CAFÉ Membership

Help support the organization that is 100 percent devoted to its mission of linking the foodservice industry with the foodservice classroom.

Our outreach programs include:
  • A website full of resources,
  • A monthly magazine, “The Gold Medal Classroom” with useful features and columns 
  • Bi-weekly podcasts with a variety of hospitality options for you and your students to enjoy
  • An Awards program recognizing entrepreneurship, innovation, sustainability, technology, and teachers of the year!
  • (new) Coffee with CAFÉ, a series of trends presentations to help you keep up to date
  • (members only) Lesson Plans to correlate with the CAFÉ Talks Podcasts
  • (members only) subscription to “Journal for Culinary Education Best Practices"
  • (members only) discounts to CAFÉ events 
You can join as an individual, an institution or as an industry member.

To join (and we hope you do!!), go to:

If you were a prior member and would like to renew your current membership, please go to and login to renew your current membership.

If you want to transfer from a previous Individual Membership to an Institutional Membership, please review the following instructions here.

CAFÉ 2021 Awards Program

idaho2021 Technology Award

Thanks to Mercer Culinary, we are pleased to announce that a 2021 Technology Award will be offered to individuals/culinary programs that successfully introduced technology in their programs

This Award is sponsored by Mercer Culinary who is proud to reach out to educators and to recognize their efforts instructing students in the complex world of technology and culinary arts. 

What are your efforts and successes in this area?

Click here for more information about the Technology Award.

idaho2021 Idaho Potato Commission Innovation Awards

CAFÉ is proud to be partnering with the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) once again as they sponsor the Innovation Awards for 2021.

This Award recognizes educators and/or programs at both the secondary and postsecondary levels who have shown to be innovative in their approaches to effective culinary arts education.

Click here for more information about the Innovations Award.

Kendall NLU RGB2021 Kendall College Entrepreneurship Award

Thanks to Kendall College for once again sponsoring the Entrepreneurship Award for 2021.

This Award identifies culinary programs that either (1) teach or encourage entrepreneurship in their programming or (2) implement revenue-generation and cost savings into their operations.

Click here for more information about the Entrepreneurship Award.

Sysco web2021 Sysco Educator of the Year Award

Thanks to Sysco for again sponsoring the Educator of the Year Award for 2021! This award is open to secondary and postsecondary educators as well as culinary educators working within the non-profit training sector. There will be two awards given.

For more information about the Educator of the Year Award, click here.

USB2021 Green Award

We are pleased to announce that the 2021 Green Award will be offered to individuals/culinary programs that emphasize sustainability or other “green” aspects in their programs.

This Award is sponsored by the United Soybean Board who is proud to reach out to educators and to recognize their efforts instructing students in the importance of agriculture in their selection of products and designing of menus.

Past winners have implemented aquaculture farms, gardens, farm-to-table menus, waste reduction and more!

For more information about the Green Award, click here.