CAFE Weekly News

Sep 22, 2024, 6:35

CAFÉ Update November 12, 2021

15 November 2021
The Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) has broadened its Culinary Education Recognition program to include a new category: Student of the Year Award!
The winner will get $1,000 cash prize PLUS an all-expenses paid fantastic experience to participate in a Harvest Tour in Idaho in the fall of 2022.
The application process includes a resume, reference letters, and an essay. Deadline is April 1, 2022.
The student must be from a postsecondary program.
For all the details, go to
We thank IPC for its support of not only culinary/baking/pastry educators, but also recognition of an outstanding Student of the Year.


Educator of the Year Postsecondary
Sponsored by Idaho Potato Commission

Educator of the Year Secondary
Sponsored by Idaho Potato Commission

Technology Award
Sponsored by RATIONAL

Green/Sustainability Award
Sponsored by United Soybean Board

Entrepreneurship Award
Sponsored by Kendall College

Community Outreach Award
Sponsored by Escoffier School of Culinary Arts

Award winners will receive cash awards as well as complimentary registrations to the June 2022 CAFÉ Leadership Conference.

Details will be on the CAFÉ website next week!

Save the Date Portland 1SAVE THE DATE! 

June 22, 2022
Deans and Directors Retreat, Portland, Maine

June 22-24, 2022
CAFÉ Leadership Conference, Portland, Maine


Please consider joining CAFÉ. Your membership ($75 for an individual; $200 for an institution; and $350 for an industry partner) enables us to continue our mission of linking the foodservice classroom with the foodservice industry.

Benefits of Being a CAFÉ Member:
  • FREE monthly magazine written by and for foodservice instructors
  • FREE bi-monthly podcasts with broad representation from the hospitality profession
  • FREE YouTube Channel with tools and presentations geared for you, the hospitality educator, featuring our Coffee with CAFÉ, 20-minute trends presentations
  • INCLUDED subscription to the “Journal for Culinary Education Best Practices”
  • INCLUDED discounts to CAFÉ events
  • INCLUDED Lesson Plans to correlate with the podcasts
  • AVAILABLE Cash Awards (=$10K) for your/your programs’ efforts in technology, innovation, community outreach, entrepreneurship, sustainability as well as recognition of educators
 Where Do You Find All Of These Benefits?
 Go to Resource-Center/Membership to sign up TODAY!!

 OUR NEWEST CAFÉ Talks Podcast 
For a video sneak peek of this upcoming podcast, click here.
Tracey Caponera 36 AD Teaser