CAFE Weekly News

Feb 24, 2025, 23:40

CAFÉ Update January 9, 2023

09 January 2023

Happy New Year!

CAFÉ is pleased to announce its renewal (and new) program for membership in 2023. We continue to offer benefits to culinary/baking/pastry/hospitality educators that will help you with not only coping with current trials, but also working with challenges in the future.

What CAFÉ Offers:

  • A monthly on-line magazine “The Gold Medal Classroom” guaranteed to address your interests
  •  A series of podcasts, CAFETalks which have had over 12,000 unique downloads to date!
  • Events geared to you/your position: the annual Deans and Directors Retreat as well as the annual Leadership Conference (these include industry updates as well as educational best practices)
  • A Journal of Culinary Education Best Practices 
  • Members also receive discounts on CAFÉ events
  •  A YouTube channel with industry workshops
  •  A Jobs Board page with FREE postings
  •  And other ideas/offerings as we listen to you and your needs

What You Can Do to Help:

  • Let us know what you like/want from events, publications, and resources
  • Become members (individual or institutional) which help us keep our prices low or invisible!

To become a member ($75 for an individual or $200 for an institution or $350 for an industry membership), go to

A Question for our Readers from a culinary program director:

In our culinary arts program (community college) we are experiencing more and more students who come to us with their restrictions for what they can and cannot do. How do you handle this? For example, someone who is a vegan won't eat certain things which means they are not tasting. Sometimes they don't want to touch the product. You cannot force them so how do you grade and assess? Another area is religious issues. Have you had someone that cannot taste or cook with pork? How do you handle this? Do you substitute or just excuse them from this content area?

Thank you,

Maureen LaSalle
Southern Maine Community College

Please send your question responses to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please put “Question Response from CAFÉ Readers” in the subject line of the email.

Important Dates

April 1, 2023 
Deadline to submit applications for CAFÉ Awards

May 19, 2023
Hotel Registration Cut Off, Charleston SC

June 20, 2023
Meet and Greet, Deans and Directors Retreat Happy Hour

June 21, 2023
CAFÉ Deans and Directors Retreat, Charleston, SC

June 21, 2023 – evening 
Awards Ceremony and Opening Night Reception for Leadership Conference

June 22-23, 2023
CAFÉ Leadership Conference, Charleston, SC 

 2023 CAFÉ Conference Registration is Open!single pics Charleston SC web

Come to the CAFÉ conference on June 21-23, 2023 in Charleston, South Carolina, hosted by Trident Technical College. Meet and greet … go to educational events … and enjoy one of the best food towns in America!

Registration and conference information, click here 
Hotel Information, click here and Hotel Direct Registration Link

CAFÉ's Award Program

Award Categories:

 IPC Seal webEducator of the Year Award, sponsored by Idaho Potato Commission
 IPC Seal webStudent of the Year Award, sponsored by Idaho Potato Commission

Escoffier LogoCommunity Outreach Award, sponsored by the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts

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Green Award, sponsored by the United Soybean Board

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Kitchen of the Future Technology Award, sponsored by RATIONAL

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Entrepreneurship Award, sponsored by Kendall College 

Application Information can be found at

We are grateful for the sponsorship of CAFÉ's Award program.