CAFE Weekly News

Sep 21, 2024, 12:39

CAFÉ Update September 3, 2024

03 September 2024

Recap 2024 CAFÉ Conference

2024 summer has come to an end and the new school year is upon us. We hope that the 2024-2025 school year will be great for all. 

Our theme for the 2024 CAFE Conference was "Invent the Future."

We are so grateful that our events went off well in the beautiful city of San Antonio, TX, and hosted by Chef Frank Salinas and David Uminski and their great team at St. Philip's College. Thank you to the participants who believe in our mission: Linking the Foodservice Industry with the Foodservice Classrooms.

Attendees were exposed to some terrific keynoters as well as break out sessions ranging from trends in industry to educational best practices. We thank the attendees for taking the time and energy to continue their learning on behalf of their students. This is admirable on a number of levels.

We hope to continue offering quality programming at affordable costs. A big thank you to all of you who were with us.

Mary Petersen
Executive Editor, Gold Medal Classroom
President, Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education

Congratulations to our 2024 CAFÉ Award Winners!

These individuals/programs shared their outstanding stories. You can read all about them at

Educators of the Year co-sponsored by Idaho Potato Commission and presented by Alan Kahn.

EOY Postsecondary Carmel

2024 Educator of the Year - Postsecondary Award Winner
Michael L. Carmel
Trident Technical College

EOY Secondary Bates

2024 Educator of the Year - Secondary Award Winner
Christopher Bates
Wekiva High School

Technology Award co-sponsored by RATIONAL and presented by Daniel Lessem and Raul Angon.

Technology Johannes

2024 Technology Award Winner
Sara Johannes
Saint Paul College

Community Outreach Awards co-sponsored by Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts and presented by Stephanie White

Comm Outreach Walsh Metropolitan

2024 Community Outreach Award Winner
Metropolitan Community College
accepting the award is Lauren Balak

Comm Outreach Runner Up Wilson

2024 Community Outreach Award - Runner-Up
R. Troy Wilson
Utah Valley University

Green Award co-sponsored by United Soybean Board and presented by Wendy Brennan.

Green Perillo

2024 Green Award Winner
Robert Perillo
Culinary Institute of America

Green Runner Up Eldred

2024 Green Award Runner-Up
Judy Eldred
Opelika High School

Entrepreneurship Award co-sponsored by Kendall College /National Louis University and presented by Wook Kang & Marianne Albovias

Entrepreneurship Willardson

2024 Entrepreneurship Award Winner
Emily Willardson
Wasatch High School

Entrepreneurship Runner Up Keefe

2024 Entrepreneurship Award Winner - Runner-Up
Desmond Keefe
Rowan College at Burlington County

2025 CAFE Award information coming soon!!

2024 CAFE Conference Family of Sponsors2



In case you missed our August podcasts.

Episode 90 podcast was launched on August 14th.
For a video peek of episode 90, click here.

Launch Day John Schoop 90 AD CC

Episode 91 podcast was launched on August 28th
For a video peek of episode 91, click here.

91 AD Teaser cc

Launch Day John David Mann 61 AD CC 2

Launch Day John David Mann 61 AD CC 3

For our complete lineup of podcast or to subscribe go to

For video peeks of our launched episodes go to our Facebook page, cafemeetingplace


Mary Petersen, President, CAFÉ; Executive Editor, The Gold Medal Classroom
(410) 268-5542 (office)
(443) 994-8228 (cell)
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Lisa Parrish, Editor, The Gold Medal Classroom
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Mary Young, Administrative Assistant
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Paul Sorgule, Host, CAFETalks Podcast
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