
Mar 3, 2025, 9:40
Pittsburgh-area Culinary Instructor Evelyn Sussman Honored with Technology Award

Pittsburgh-area Culinary Instructor Evelyn Sussman Honored with Technology Award

08 August 2022

Eveyln Sussman was honored for growing her students’ technological skills while strengthening their culinary competency.

By Lisa Parrish, GMC Editor
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Culinary arts instructor Evelyn Sussman, CC, CEC, a teacher in a Pittsburgh-area school, received the 2022 Technology Award from RATIONAL and the Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education.

The national award recognizes a culinary/hospitality program or individuals that successfully introduced and guided students in the complex world of technology and culinary arts.

Sussman had an opportunity to utilize technology in a way her adult culinary students had not had before. Last year, a new grant provided funds to purchase Chromebooks for every student. That gave her the inspiration for creating new projects that would both grow her students’ computer skills and strengthen their fundamental culinary management skills.

One project consisted of using Microsoft Word in the creation of a marketing meal card to advertise a served lunch in the school’s café. The document would mimic recipe cards companies provide with meal kits. The project guided students through creating marketing materials, as well as cooking instructions with pictures and chef’s tips, recipe costing, and nutrition information.

Another project saw students take the first meal card father by including more meal information and using the online design application Canva. The students furthered their understanding of meal preparation, marketing and costing as well as growing their technological skills.

As students progressed through the projects the quality of their work drastically improved as they became more adept at utilizing the technology, according to Sussman. Also, the students who owned small foodservice businesses were able to reevaluate their menus, marketing materials and pricing to include what was learned in the educational setting.