CAFE Weekly News

Mar 31, 2025, 22:36

CAFE Update February 7, 2018

05 February 2018

Resources and Prizes for You

CAFE Membership

5 Good Reasons to Join!

  1. Discounts on CAFE events
  2. Discounts on ACF events
  3. Subscription to the Journal of Culinary Education Best Practices
  4. Support of CAFE, its website, and the publication, Gold Medal Classroom
  5. Looks good on your resume!

Membership fees are January-December = $50; July 1-December=$40. You must be a current member to enjoy the discounted fees for the CAFE and ACF events.

Become a CAFE Member here.

JCABP Logos FINAL small

The first Journal entry is online! And if you are interested in publishing, please contact our editor, Jackson Lamb, at Metropolitan State University in Denver, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

More Resources for You:

World Chefs have developed a 7-day curriculum that covers the basics of sustainability for the foodservice industry. It is designed to fit nicely into culinary schools across the world and can be inserted in multiple ways into the program—as a stand-alone course or inserted into other courses. The curriculum is completely free. It comes with all the materials to teach it, resources for the instructors, and even training for the people who will deliver the course. All that World Chefs asks in return is for the assessment data that we need to track to gauge the success of the curriculum. World Chefs also provides the assessment materials. It is not necessary to submit student names unless you wish for the students to receive a certificate of completion from World Chefs. WACS encourages instructors to check out the website for the Feed the Planet committee of World Chefs and consider using what other countries around the world have already implemented. If there are additional questions, you can contact Chris Koetke directly as the Feed the Planet chairman:

Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board Contest... Open to All!


The Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board offers a free online cheese training for your students. Consider incorporating this test into your culinary curriculum. WMMB is offering a contest to promo1te the use of this program as an educational tool. Your students will have to complete the program and show you their certificate. WMMB will also keep track so that the students need to register their full name and school. The instructors, one per school, will be awarded CASH PRIZES based on the number of students who complete the test.

1st Place: $500
2nd Place: $400
3rd Place: $300

The contest will run January 1-April 1, 2018.

The Wisconsin Cheesecyclopedia is available here. Register and put in the code CCY to begin the test.

Remember this certificate is worth 2 CEH credits with the American Culinary Federation.

When you have submitted your contest application with number of students who have completed the test, please send your name and a copy of your application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Another GREAT Opportunity

The International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP) is offering a 40% pass discount to students, faculty, and administrative staff working in accredited institutions in food studies or culinary arts programs:

Check it out! The event is in New York City, February 23-25.

There's Still Room!

Join your fellow postsecondary Deans and Directors at the annual CAFE Retreat in San Antonio, March 2-4, 2018.

The programming is all about communication, leadership, and success! We have secured an overflow hotel a block away. The first evening’s Meet and Greet will include a Riverwalk boat ride.

The Retreat begins Friday evening and completes by lunchtime on Sunday.

Click here for registration, agenda, and hotel info.


February 25-27, 2018
ACF Chef Connect, Charlotte, NC

March 2-4, 2018
6th Annual Deans and Directors Retreat, San Antonio, TX

March 18-20, 2018
ACF Chef Connect, Newport Beach, CA

March 30, 2018
Deadline for Green Award and Food Entrepreneurship Award

April 1, 2018
Deadline for IPC Innovation Award and Educator of the Year Award

June 14-16, 2018
14th Annual CAFE Leadership Conference, Milwaukee, WI

July 15-19, 2018
ACF Cook.Craft.Create, New Orleans, LA