CAFE Weekly News

Mar 31, 2025, 22:38

CAFE Update January 24, 2018

23 January 2018

Journal is Launched!

The Journal of Culinary Education Best Practices has launched with its first issue now available to members of CAFE.

JCABP Logos FINAL small

We vow to offer our readers articles that center on the advancement of techniques, ideas and innovations used in teaching culinary arts.

Click here for the first article written by Jackson Lamb from Metropolitan State University of Denver on the topic of converting “un-convertible” classes to an online format that will work.

The Journal is also seeking articles from the culinary/hospitality community. The guidelines can be found here.

Let us know what you think! And if you haven’t become a member of CAFE yet (cost=$50), join and enjoy not only Journal articles, but also discounts to CAFE and ACF events!

Become a CAFE Member here.

Deans and Directors Retreat in San Antonio, March 2-4

Hotel rooms are at a premium, with our block 98% full. We are finding other options and encourage Deans and Directors everywhere to consider joining this inviting group to discuss methods, challenges, and innovations.

Click here for online registration, hotel information, and a tentative agenda. Fly in on Friday, leave after lunch on Sunday ... it’s well worth your time! 


Don’t forget we have an outstanding lineup of award programs for 2018. Deadline is April 1.


Brightwater Award for Sustainability
Brightwater Award for Entrepreneurship

IPC Seal web

Idaho Potato Commission Awards for Innovations in internships/externships/work experienceinternships/externships/work experience

Sysco web

Sysco Awards for Teachers of the Year


January 28, 2018
Deans and Directors Retreat Hotel Deadline

February 25-27, 2018
ACF Chef Connect, Charlotte, NC

March 2-4, 2018
6th Annual Deans and Directors Retreat, San Antonio, TX

March 18-20, 2018
ACF Chef Connect, Newport Beach, CA

March 30, 2018
Deadline for Green Award and Food Entrepreneurship Award

April 1, 2018
Deadline for IPC Innovation Award and Educator of the Year Award

June 14-16, 2018
14th Annual CAFE Leadership Conference, Milwaukee, WI

July 15-19, 2018
ACF Cook.Craft.Create, New Orleans, LA