CAFE Weekly News

Sep 22, 2024, 1:52

CAFE Update September 30, 2020

04 November 2020

CAFE Member Special Journal Edition


Mark Twain is quoted: I’m in favor of Progress; it’s Change I don’t like.”

But that’s assuming we have a choice!

Change has roared into our world, affecting everyone and everything, ranging from government to medicine, from employment to education, from relationships to hierarchies.

Perhaps some people would say that these adjustments have been or could be considered progress. But more people are struggling with what the “new normal” will look like.

Those of us involved with education are being challenged in every aspect of its delivery and evaluation. Add in culinary arts’ principles of cooking as well as regarding cooking as both a business and a passion, we have mountains to climb to change what we are teaching and how we are teaching it.

Kudos to the educators featured in this Special Edition of the “The Journal for Culinary Arts Education” as they recommend staying grounded on important principles ranging from student engagement to F&B operations…and much in between.

These researchers have put a lot of thought into this forced-upon-us change and are reporting on principles we can benefit from while we declare progress!

Thank you to our editor, Dr. Jean Hertzman, for her professionalism and her attention to details that brings this edition to all of you involved with best practices in culinary arts education. Be sure to share this information and contribute your ideas to future editions of “The Journal for Culinary Education Best Practices.”

Mary Petersen

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