CAFE Weekly News

Jan 31, 2025, 14:47

CAFE Update October 13, 2020

05 November 2020

Attention: Foodservice Instructors

Daniel Lessem webRATIONAL, the leading global manufacturer of commercial cooking systems, is introducing the iCombi Pro and iVario product lines, which can revolutionize what your own kitchen labs and graduates find within the industry in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Learn how commercial kitchens can cook more with less space, waste, energy, labor, cost, and stress with these new cooking systems.

To register for this one-hour webinar, please click one of the links below:

You will hear from one of RATIONAL USA’s corporate chefs, Daniel Lessem, about their experience with this equipment and more!

logo RATIONAL large CMYK 300dpi

BONUS: the webinar is FREE and offers one hour of continuing education hours towards certification.

 CAFE Podcast Testimonial

cafe podcast logo finalJust wanted to tell you the podcast is very good. I’m listened to all of them. All the guests have had useful points for me to think about even though I’m a high school Culinary instructor. Jon Deutsch’s comments on how we are wasteful and unsustainable when we are trying to teach the exact opposite was an eye opener. Thanks for what you are doing.

Joseph Guzzetta
Tyler ISD in Tyler, Texas

CAFE Talks Podcasts: Season One Available

Register to receive these podcast notifications by click here.

CAFE is working on developing worksheets and classroom assignments for the podcasts so that your students can hear from industry and educational leaders about how our industry is facing the future.