CAFÉ Update June 21, 2021
Have you had a chance to sit with your beverage (Coffee? Tea? Other?) and listen to industry professionals share the newest trends with you? In 20 minutes??
Go to CAFÉ’s YouTube channel at CAFEmeetingplace to catch up.
Presenters and topics have included:
"What Students Need to Know about Technology in Today’s Professional Kitchen"
Chef Daniel Lessem
YouTube Link, Click Here
"American Lamb Craft Sausage – Not Your Usual Grind"
"Lambassador” Mark DeNittis
YouTube Link, Click Here
"A Conversation about the Future of Culinary Arts Education"
Paul Sorgule & Christopher Koetke
YouTube Link, Click Here
"Different Ages and Stages in Their Learning—All with A Common Goal of Getting ServSafe Certified"
Nai Wang, Wayne Worthley, Joey Buttendorf & Joe Kalfus
YouTube Link, Click Here
Did you miss our latest CAFÉ TALKS PODCAST Episode 27 that launched June 16th?
For a video peak of Podcast 27, click here.
- FREE monthly magazine written by and for foodservice instructors
- FREE bi-monthly podcasts with broad representation from the hospitality profession
- FREE Coffee with CAFÉ, short 20-minute trends presentations
- FREE website www.CafeMeetingPlace.com which is full of resources for every level instruction
- FREE YouTube Channel with tools and presentations geared for you, the hospitality educator
- INCLUDED subscription to the “Journal for Culinary Education Best Practices"
- INCLUDED discounts to CAFÉ events
- INCLUDED Lesson Plans to correlate with the podcasts
- AVAILABLE cash Awards (=$10K) for you/your programs’ efforts in technology, innovation, community outreach, entrepreneurship, sustainability
Where Do You Find All of These Benefits?
Please consider joining CAFÉ. Your membership ($75 for an individual; $200 for an institution; and $350 for an industry partner) enables us to continue our mission of linking the foodservice classroom with the foodservice industry.
Go to Resource-Center/Membership to sign up TODAY!!