
Mar 13, 2025, 3:55

Green Tomato: An Outlet for Farmers, Chefs and Artisans

02 October 2012

green_oct12The City of San Diego opens a much-wanted Public Market.

By Candy Wallace

Talk the talk about providing outlets for citywide farmers’ markets so residents can source healthy food and eat fresh AND go one step further and walk the walk by starting a public market. VERY BIG DEAL!!

The City of San Diego just received a delicious gift that will impact not only the food community itself, but all of the residents who take advantage of the newly opened San Diego Public Market.

Thanks to Catt White and Dale Steele whose concept became a reality on September 12, 2012, when the doors opened on the first day. Thanks to the 1,500 people who showed their support for this exciting project by donating to the start-up fund that exceeded the original goal of $92,000 in only eight days and went on to raise an additional $50,000 for the development of future features and services. Thanks to the volunteers who showed up and contributed their time and effort cleaning, painting and sprucing up the site for opening. And thanks to the farmers, chefs, vendors, staff and shoppers for committing to this project early on. It is going to be exciting to watch this project evolve.

At this point, the 92,000-square-foot, orange San Diego Public Market is open as a farmers’ market on Wednesdays and Sundays, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Plans to expand services include building a permanent indoor market for up to 200 prepared-food vendors and farmers and a commercial kitchen. Longer-term plans for services are in development. It is thrilling to watch the organic evolution of an endeavor that is clearly living in the realm of possibility.

It won’t be long until the San Diego Public Market is operating on the level of public markets like those in Seattle, Toronto, Montreal and Barcelona. The San Diego Public Market is supported by a strong and committed agriculture and aquaculture system, and with leadership like that of Catt and Dawn, the sky’s the limit. How exciting to have an outlet in town for farmers, chefs and artisans with a commitment to community in the mix. Kudos to these two dynamic women and their team.

This city should be proud of this new resource in Barrio Logan. Shop, eat, visit, learn and ENJOY. It’s a good place.

For info on San Diego Public Market, visit http://sandiegopublicmarket.com.

Candy Wallace is founder and executive director of the American Personal & Private Chef Association based in San Diego.

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