Lesson Plans

Mar 28, 2025, 18:39

Lesson Plan: Coffee—Brewing, Tasting and Cooking

Wednesday, 02 June 2010 09:30

lesson_june10An e-learning lesson plan at ciaprochef.com sponsored by Starbucks Foodservice.

Every great cup of coffee begins with top-quality beans: the right variety, grown in the right place, and processed the right way. The more you know about the beans, the more enlightened coffee consumer you will be. After all, the only other ingredient in the brew is the water.

This lesson plan, part of ciaprochef.com—The Culinary Institute of America's Web site for foodservice professionals—was sponsored by Starbucks Foodservice and includes the following areas of training:

Get in on the Game.

Get in on the Game.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009 16:36

By Colin Roche, CEC, CCE, CHE

Expose your students to a culinary experience that most likely know nothing about.

Game has come a long way, and today more and more chefs are increasingly featuring game dishes on their menus. The old belief that game meat is tough with strong flavors is quickly disappearing because today’s game is mostly farm-raised, making it tender and delicious. Though it usually has a stronger flavor than the meat of domesticated animals, it is also lower in fat, cholesterol and calories, while being higher in minerals and protein.

Due to its unique taste, popularity and health benefits compared to domesticated meats, game is a food product that all culinary students should be exposed to and is a great topic to add to the culinary curriculum. Some of the most widely available game animals found frequently on menus is venison, rabbit, wild boar, bison and game birds.

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