Lesson Plan: The Basics of Food Safety
Monday, 08 August 2016 18:16Chef Adam Weiner, CFSE, says it can be done! Learn how to teach basic food safety in one 50-minute class.
Chef Adam Weiner, CFSE, says it can be done! Learn how to teach basic food safety in one 50-minute class.
Sustainable seafood is a hot topic right now for all chefs. When instructing culinary students in various seafood preparation aspects teachers can utilize this web site for go-to resources.
Teach students how to quickly and efficiently cut watermelon, a summer staple and nutritious power house.
A successful pairing should help enhance the flavor and texture of both the cheese and accompaniment. Let your creative and culinary senses guide you as you keep these general strategies in mind.
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A meat fabrication workshop taught students how to take a steer from hindquarter and forequarter sections to primal cuts to cooked porter house steak.