Teaching Tips

Mar 26, 2025, 10:08

Denver, Colorado (Part 2): 

02 September 2009
  • Let the students plan blind taste tests. Any products they want (pizzas, cookies, etc). Compare by price, low fat versus regular, sugar free versus regular…whatever. This allows them to guess first what the customer will choose and why, and then go through the process and learn the true results. Let them run it any way they want. They learn a lot about appearance, brand power versus taste, etc. (JF)
  • The first day of school have students answer a survey: “What are the characteristics of a great teacher?” Next have students answer a survey from a teacher’s point of view: “What are the characteristics of a great student?” Break the students into groups and make posters of each group of characteristics. Explain that the two sets of characteristics can complement or compete with each other. (GL)
  • They won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. (passed on by my late colleague and dear friend, Don Garrett) (BH)
  • Before giving students the recipe for a product, ask them to (1) list ingredients, (2) order in which they are used, (3) cooking time, procedure, etc. For example: Banana Bread. They might leave out salt, soda, milk, etc. To begin with you may just ask for #1. This will open conversation. (KM)
  • Take time to encourage your students. Catch them doing something well and use it as an example to other students at a later date or time, using the student’s name. Not to flatter them, but to encourage them and other students to “do the right thing” whether you thin anyone will notice or not. (VH)
  • In the classroom, you can organize your own game version of “Jeopardy” by dividing student into teams and either use the “first-to-respond” method or giving each team a question in sequence. Award points for incentive towards extra credit, presents and product, food items, or just for fun. (VH)
  • In order to explain to students the importance of avoiding T/F questions or making them very difficult, have the students list numbers 1-10 on a piece of paper. Then write either the letter T or F representing True or False. Then you, the instructor, give your key in whatever sequence you choose and have the students grade this “quiz” based on your key. Surprisingly, man students will get 70% correct, some will get 9 or 10 right. The point I make is that by just guessing and without any questions being asked, some students can get a 90-100%! So, (I explain) that’s why I don’t like True/False Questions, but when I use them I make them either tricky or challenging. (VH)

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