Café Summer Workshop for Teachers at Sullivan University
02 September 2009- Make a Power Point presentation and create culinary teams in the classroom. Then the teams buzz in and answer questions like jeopardy. If the team gets the question correct, then they get the points. The highest team wins a token educational gift. (DK)
- Make Power Point presentations for cooking terms and measurements. (LR)
- Use card games with measurements and cooking terms. After the students have had a chance to learn them, we make a game out of it for speed and competition between the students. (LR)
- I met a lady that does presentations on growing herbs and how to use them in recipes. She has agreed to come to my class and prepare different dishes for my students. (LR)
- Plan your culinary program field trips, traveling advisory and traveling chefs early in the fall. This will generate more interest with your student and may excite them into staying in your program. (DR)
- Some students may have already made a commitment to a culinary school. Find where they are going and start working on scholarships. For example: the schools usually give scholarships; the NRA will often match what the school gives. Other scholarships may include Coke, Pepsi, beef, pork and poultry councils etc. Check the Internet and plan early! Give the scholarships out during an awards program so as to recruit new students! (DR)
- I partnered with the French teacher this year to learn how to properly pronounce the culinary words. We went to their class 3 times to learn vocabulary. They came to our class and we made leek soup, quiche, fondues, cream puffs etc. I also partnered with the landscape teachers. She supplied ground for our herb garden. My students planted it. We mulched together. Then we made a lunch for their FFA meeting (MAB)
- Each student has to write a letter of intent. The letter includes what I can expect out of them for the semester. These letters are then filed and if needed, pulled out for re-confirmation. (OB)
- When I have a short time between one unit and starting another, I’ll do a scavenger hunt on the computer. I will have specific items for students to look up on specified sites. I may have them do some printing of some items and writing on others. I have them research various culinary colleges. I use the Wilton site on cake decorating and even have them look up various pieces of equipment and state uses for the equipment such as chocolate fountain. The students have fun and they are actually learning something. So, if you end a unit two days before Thanksgiving break, use this. That’ll get you through those two days without starting something you’ll have to re-teach when you return. (BA)