Café Summer Workshop Hosted by Kendall College, Chicago, IL
02 September 2009- Eliminate the natural tendency to cheat on tests. Allow students to take tests together if only for a short time period, like 5 minutes at the end of class. (KP)
- When students/parents contest a grade, I give a quick oral exam to see or prove how much he/she has learned. (KP)
- For beginning students: to teach concepts of blanching, concasse and beginning knife skills, I demo blanching of tomatoes and peeling and seeding concasse and then have students make salsa and quesadillas.( KW)
- To incorporate the learning disabled in the curriculum, I teach the industry standard 7 step hand washing procedure. When teaching proper procedures for hand washing, invite the health teacher to co-teach. The advantages: team teaching, parallel teaching, and small group task analysis. Other strategies include graphic organizers (story maps, unit organizers, and concept diagram), anticipation guides, study guides, and skeleton outlines. (AK)
- On the first day of class, we have nameplates at each seat so that the students introduce themselves to each other, talk for “x” minutes, then introduce the one they spoke to/with. We also plan organizational games, where they line up in order of alphabetical names, birthdays, height, etc. They not only move around which keeps them awake, but they actually interact with everyone else in the class. (LR)
- An idea for the first day of class: to get acquainted, have each student has his/her name and name a food item that begins with the first letter of that first name. When everyone has introduced himself, give a little gift to any student or a set number of students who can say the names of all the students along with the food items. This is a good way for students to learn the names of their classmates and it sure helps the teacher to learn the names of his/her students much sooner. You can also get a feel for what kinds of foods the students are familiar with. (EM)
- On the first day of class, have the student talk about what they have learned and what they would like to do over the next few months. (RG)
- I teach each chapter from the test at the end of the chapter. It highlights what they have to know! (RB)
- For a senior project, have the students set up a food service business or international buffet. (LT)
- My school’s work study program has a silent auction every year so I have had my class donate one baked good a month to the highest bidder. Also, once a year I have my students plan a luncheon (I don’t have a commercial kitchen) where they each invite a teacher or staff member. This showcases their skills and exposed the department to the rest of the school. (DW)