CAFE Weekly News

Sep 22, 2024, 0:28

CAFÉ Update August 15, 2022

15 August 2022
Our theme this year focused on the Future of Food and the Future of Food Education. We not only had some great industry partner presentations, but also during our best practices day we heard from instructors who described how they were dealing with the multitude of challenges facing foodservice/education today.
Here are a few testimonials:
  • Loved the combined event this year! I got a lot of great contacts and learned so much that I can bring back to my classroom. Thank you for creating this amazing opportunity!
  • This conference is very interesting and directly applicable to teachers and being a chef. Everyone is open to networking and all presenters are excellent and informative.
  • As a first timer, this has been such a welcoming experience.
  • First time here, and I really enjoy the conference so far. I will definitely be back in the future!
 Our “Themes” going forward will continue to reflect our mission of linking the foodservice industry with the foodservice classroom. We will look at challenges such as recruitment and retention as well as innovations applicable to what we do and how we do it. And as always we will look to our industry partners to continue to show us the way that our menus are being developed and received by our customers.
We will have dates and the location of our 2023 conference ready to announce by the end of September. And we will be sending out requests for presentation proposals and letting you know about the industry-awards program categories and criteria soon.


The current issue of the GMC Ezine was posted on August 10, 2022.

August22 ezine cover photo


Have you visited the CAFÉ website Resource Center?

The following items are located in our Resource Center:

  • Industry Resource Listing
  • Job Board
  • Contests
  • Certifications
  • Teaching Tips
  • Lesson Plans
  • Membership
  • CAFE Talks Podcast


CAFÉ’s annual Deans & Directors Retreat and Leadership Conference was held in Portland, Maine on June 22-24, 2022 and was hosted by Southern Maine Community College.

To view photos from this event please,  click here.

If you could not attend this year please see what you missed!

CAFÉ Talks Podcast ~ Season 6

Episode 51 which will launch on August 17, 2022

Paul Sorgule 51 AD Teaser