CAFE Weekly News

Feb 24, 2025, 17:00

CAFÉ Update January 23, 2023

23 January 2023
Awards, Events, Website, Magazine, Resources, Podcasts

CAFÉ is all about culinary/hospitality educators and what they need to know, what can inspire them, as well as sharing best practices.

Check out the Awards program!

Go to Categories vary from technology to community outreach projects and more. Cash prizes plus comp registration to the CAFÉ conference. AND NEW IN ’22 was the Student of the Year Award.

We are grateful for the sponsorship of CAFÉ's Award program.

 IPC Seal web

Escoffier Logo

USB logo

rational logo

kendall logo


single pics Charleston SC web

Events: The Deans and Directors Retreat PLUS the annual Leadership conference ALSO INCLUDES THREE PRE-CONFERENCE HANDS ON MASTER CLASSES! Carving, Southern Foodways, and Chocolate. More information to come. The dates for the conference are June 20-23, 2023; location Charleston South Carolina. We promise you will be inspired and will learn a lot!

Registration and conference information, click here 

Hotel Information, click here and Hotel Direct Registration Link

Website: The CAFÉ website is full of links and resources for you to use. FREE! 

Magazine: “The Gold Medal Classroom” is published on line 11 months a year. Our contributors are educators and experts in culinary arts education. You will hear from the industry as well as your peers. 

Go to for the January GMC issue. FREE!

Resources: CAFÉ prides itself in connecting the foodservice industry with the foodservice classroom. There is a page devoted to these industry resources on our website at FREE!

CAFETalks Podcasts: Remarkable interviews by Paul Sorgule and a variety of people both in and out of our industry but who talk about the future as well as challenges faced . We are on our 7th season with over 12,000 downloads so far! Scroll through the offerings; use them as classroom assignments. Check out our podscast so far at Give us your feedback. FREE!!!

You can support the CAFÉ efforts by becoming members of CAFÉ. There are individual as well as institutional memberships. 

Go to


 Important Dates

April 1, 2023 
Deadline to submit applications for CAFÉ Awards

May 19, 2023
Hotel Registration Cut Off, Charleston SC

June 20, 2023
Meet and Greet, Deans and Directors Retreat Happy Hour

June 21, 2023
CAFÉ Deans and Directors Retreat, Charleston, SC

June 21, 2023 – evening 
Awards Ceremony and Opening Night Reception for Leadership Conference

June 22-23, 2023
CAFÉ Leadership Conference, Charleston, SC