CAFE Weekly News

Feb 24, 2025, 1:53

CAFÉ Update March 20, 2023

20 March 2023

I came across an interesting quotation this week:

"Who dares to teach must never cease to learn"
John Dana Cotton

As someone who has spent the majority of her career in the educational world, I thought that this statement brought meaning to what CAFÉ has attempted to be all these many years: a Center for Lifelong Learning” helping professional educators with their ongoing education and passion to continue learning.

To that end, CAFÉ seeks to help chefs and chef educators not only keep up to date with industry trends but also to share and learn from one another to be professional teachers.

How do we do this?

  • The latest research in Culinary Education Best Practices

We urge you to participate; we urge you to “never cease learning” and we urge you to apply for Awards that recognize your efforts.

We promise you that we (CAFÉ) will never cease to learn from you and for you.

All the best, Mary Petersen


April 1, 2023 
Deadline to submit applications for CAFÉ Awards

April 30, 2023 
Eat Canned Pears CAN DO Challenge Contest

May 1, 2023
Deadline to submit recipes for the
American Lamb Ground Up Recipe Contest

May 19, 2023
Hotel Registration Cut Off, Charleston SC

June 20, 2023
Meet and Greet, Deans and Directors Retreat Happy Hour

June 21, 2023
CAFÉ Deans and Directors Retreat, Charleston, SC

June 21, 2023
Pre-Conference Hands On Master Classes, Charleston, SC
Garde Manger and Chocolate

June 21, 2023 – evening 
Awards Ceremony and Opening Night Reception for Leadership Conference

June 22-23, 2023
CAFÉ Leadership Conference, Charleston, SC


CAFÉ's 2023 Award Categories:

  • Kitchen of the Future Technology Award (kitchen technology), sponsored by RATIONAL
  • Entrepreneurship Award (entrepreneurship efforts), sponsored by Kendall College

Deadline to submit applications for CAFÉ Awards is April 1, 2023

Go to for more information.

Conference Informationsingle pics Charleston SC web

Don't miss out ... register today for the Deans & Directors Retreat and/or the Leadership Conference which will be June 20/21-23, 2023. Registration is now open for our two Master Classes: Chocolate Master Class and Garde Manger Master Class. Hurry to register for a Master Class as they are filling up fast and space is limited to 20 per class. 

Come and experience wonderful food as well as stay in the midst of beautiful downtown Charleston, SC. You will learn; you will be inspired; you will enjoy!

Registration and conference information, click here 

Hotel Information, click here and Hotel Direct Registration Link
(Hotel Registration Cut Off Deadline May 19, 2023)

CAFÉ Talks Podcast ~ Season 7

Have you listened to our podcast series?

We have done 64 episodes so far and have had over 12,000 unique downloads.

To listen or subscribe go to

Kirk Bachmann 64 AD Teaser

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