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Portion Control of Growing Interest to U.S. Consumers

Thursday, 28 July 2011 10:16

food4_july11According to NPD, more adult consumers aspire to eat smaller portions in the coming year, suggesting that this healthy eating strategy will become more important in the future.

Portion control is a tenet of healthy eating, and it appears that consumers are increasingly aware of the importance of managing the portion size of the foods they eat, according to The NPD Group, a leading market research company.

For a recent report entitled “Healthy Eating Strategies by Generation,” NPD compiled a list of 30 healthy eating and lifestyle dimensions to determine which ones consumers of different generations associate with healthy eating. Out of the 30 attributes, eating smaller portions ranked 11th in importance among adult consumers across generations as a healthy-eating characteristic. Adult consumers ranked the top five characteristics of healthy eating and healthy lifestyles consistently: exercise regularly, eat well-balanced meals, eat all things in moderation, limit/avoid foods with saturated fat or cholesterol or trans fats, and drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

Burger Trend Continues to Sizzle

Thursday, 28 July 2011 10:14

food3_july11Technomic identifies what consumers find most appealing about burgers offered at more than 40 leading limited- and full-service chains.

A new study released by trend-tracker Technomic finds burger consumption up considerably since 2009, with nearly half of today’s consumers saying they eat a burger at least once a week compared with 38% two years ago. One reason for the increase is the continued prominence of burgers on quick-service value menus.

“The value menu is certainly a big part of this increase in burger consumption,” says Sara Monnette, director of consumer research at Chicago-based Technomic. “There are other factors at work, however, as the specialty-burger craze has driven growth in a way that is almost defiantly separate from pricing. The better burger restaurants in the fast-casual segment have put the burger top of mind for consumers, and even the quick-service chains have begun to respond and focus portions of their menus specifically on quality perceptions.”

So Long, and Thanks for All the Filet-O-Fish

Thursday, 28 July 2011 10:11

food2_july11Total and fried seafood servings at restaurants are on the decline, but non-fried seafood consumption is increasing.

The decline in seafood servings at U.S. restaurants has less to do with natural and man-made disasters like the Gulf oil spill and more to do with the economy and price, according to The NPD Group, a leading market research company. NPD's foodservice market research finds that total seafood and fried seafood servings have been declining for several years, while servings of non-fried seafood have increased over the last two years.

An Eggsceptional Staple

Thursday, 28 July 2011 10:05

food1_july11The egg market shows no signs of cracking in the current economy, says Mintel. And most consumers disagree that organic eggs are healthier.

Whether it’s hard-boiled, over easy or poached, featured at breakfast, lunch or dinner, and as baked goods or sauces, the egg is truly the MVP of the kitchen. Not surprisingly, penetration is extremely high, and egg use remains steady at 94% of all U.S. households, according to a recent Mintel report.

A whopping 92% of Mintel respondents agree that eggs are an important part of a healthy diet.  There is a potential struggle, however, for organic producers as more than half (57%) of consumers don’t believe organic eggs are any healthier for you than regular ones. Furthermore, 30% of respondents eat fewer eggs than they would like due to concerns about cholesterol.

Top 10 Dessert Trends for 2011

Wednesday, 01 June 2011 09:29

food4_june11Foodchannel.com predicts the latest evolutions in the sweet world of desserts.

According to the latest dessert-trends survey by The Food Channel®, more than 80% of respondents have dessert at least once a week, while more than a quarter enjoy it every day. Surprisingly, more than 50% of respondents said they usually make desserts from scratch, with more than 60% saying they make desserts the same way their grandmother did, agreeing it’s all about taste without compromise. Only 26% said they use “light,” low-fat or fat-free ingredients when preparing desserts.

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