First-Time Competitors from Texas Earn National ProStart Management Award
27 May 2016A concept restaurant dedicated to America’s military and first responders earned Texas high school students a 2016 national management title at the 15th annual ProStart Invitational.
By Lisa Parrish, GMC Editor
A team of students from New Caney High School had never managed a restaurant or entered a management competition. But by the end of May, the team was so well-versed in their concept restaurant’s business plan they successfully defended their ideas before a panel of expert judges to earn the 2016 National ProStart Invitational Management Team competition.
“Our restaurant was called America’s Best. We focused on improving our community, hiring and helping veterans and first responders and creating relationships with customers. All this while serving an American-style cuisine with a Texas twist,” described Hayley Lewis, team captain.
New Caney High School near Houston is relatively new to ProStart, with only having the curriculum for three years. Lewis’s team was created this year and had never competed together before. Through hard work and a determined spirit the group defeated 43 other management teams to win the national title.
“The last three months of the project we practiced every day except Sundays. It was so worth it even when the custodian would have to ask us to leave at 10 p.m. because the school was closing,” said Lewis, who is senior at the high school.
The team drew inspiration for their concept America’s Best from researching the National Restaurant Association’s Military Foundation and discovering different ways the organization supported the military. “All the members of my team have family members that were either in the military or were first responders,” she said. “We wanted a unique concept that could really be built as a profitable restaurant.”
Lewis’s team completed a 55-page written proposal consisting of not only the restaurant’s concept, but it also included layout and design information, menu development, marketing materials, budgets and location. They opted to create their restaurant in their own community taking into consideration the city’s growing population, central location and other new area construction.
At the competition, judges posing as investors listened to their 10 minute power point presentation and asked challenging questions on subjects ranging from social media, marketing, human resources, customer service and safety and sanitation.
Lewis said, “One question we have all laughed about was about our dessert Bazookie, which is a spin-off of a bazooka. My teammate was so excited about this question she stared her answer with, ‘It is crazy how it happened!’ I think our enthusiasm and love of our concept showed in every area of the competition.”
Their primary team sponsor Family and Consumer Science Instructor Cherie Busch was instrumental in assisting the team through the regional, state and finally national competition. “Right before the winners were announced, Ms. Busch looked at us and said, ‘Girls, regardless of what happens, you couldn’t make me any prouder,” Lewis said. When New Caney High School was named the winner the girls were overcome with emotions and tears.
Team members included Lewis as well as junior Mysterie Roberson, junior Yarumi Guerrero and sophomore Kayla Gebauer.
Winners of the management competition, sponsored by Ecolab, earned $5,000 each in scholarship money to continue their foodservice education at a college or university of their choice. Lewis is planning on attending the University of Houston studying hospitality this fall.
There were a total of five teams who placed in the national competition with each team earning scholarships ranging from $500 to $5,000.
"Congratulations to all of our winners," says Rob Gifford, executive vice president of National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. "We are so proud of each and every one of the teams. These students are the future of the restaurant industry, and we look forward to seeing what they accomplish next."
Lewis exclaimed, “We couldn’t have done it without all the support from our teachers, administrators, PorStart sponsors and last by not least Ms. Busch. We wouldn’t be anywhere without them.”
For more information on the National ProStart Invitational, visit http://www.nraef.org/ProStart/Invitational.
Photos courtesy of New Caney High School.