
Mar 6, 2025, 10:07
Thirteen is a Lucky Number for CAFÉ Conference Attendees

Thirteen is a Lucky Number for CAFÉ Conference Attendees

31 May 2017

Conference is dedicated to helping educators keep up to date on industry trends while improving and learning new classroom techniques.

 The Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education (CAFÉ) is holding its 13th Annual Leadership Conference. This year the event is hosted by the International Culinary Center of Myrtle Beach, in Myrtle Beach, SC, from June 22 to 24. A limited number of conference registrations are still available.

The meeting kicks off on Thursday with three pre-selected chefs competing in the National Pork Board’s “Be Inspired” culinary competition. The winner of the cooking contest will be announced that evening during the Welcome Reception and Awards Ceremony. The winners of the Idaho Potato Commission Innovation Award, CAFÉ/Kendall College Green Award, Sysco Educator of the Year Award and Mango Board Scholarships also will be revealed.

Friday features information specifically geared to culinary educators provided by leading foodservice professionals. Adam Brumberg, deputy director of the Food & Brand Lab at Cornell University, begins the day with his keynote address, “Why We Choose the Foods We Do.” Attendees will be treated to four hands-on trends presentations that discuss menu ideation exercises, modernization in flavor pairings, utilizing products in fresh applications as well as strategies to include social media into the classroom setting.

In addition to the presentations, educators will have an opportunity to visit with foodservice professionals during the Info Fair. This is a time to connect with representatives of the industries for which you are preparing your students.

Dr. Fred Mayo begins the educational  outreach day with his keynote discussion, “Personal and Professional Reflection for Students and Teachers.” Saturday continues with three topic areas: Student Responsibility, Administrative and Programmatic Challenges, and Culinary Classroom Ideas. Within each of these subject areas, attendees will choose one presentation by an educational professional discussing an aspect of the topic area. Each subject area will have at least three presentations from which to choose.

The final day is rounded out with closing keynote remarks by Syndia A. Nazario-Cardona and Chef Migdaliz Velez,  from the Universidad del Este DC Campus, discussing “When Barriers Become Pathways: Reinventing Culinary Arts and Language Training.”

Click here for CAFÉ registration information.