CAFÉ’s Journal for Culinary Education Best Practices Launches in January 2018
29 November 2017First article discusses moving classes to the online world from a brick and mortar environment.
The Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education (CAFÉ) will launch its inaugural edition of the Journal of Culinary Education Best Practices in January 2018.
The first article written by Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Chef Jackson Lamb, MBA, CSC, CHE, will walk readers through the obstacles encountered when converting a face-to-face, foods-based class to an online environment. Utilizing a Learning Management System, the article will review how to incorporate in-house videos, YouTube videos, mainstream movies, discussion threads and other interactive features to establish a successful online class that meets specific student learning outcomes.
The Journal of Culinary Education Best Practices is a subscription-only, peer reviewed publication for CAFÉ Members that will highlight specific challenges faced in culinary classrooms. Emerging trends will be covered ranging from culinary technology, recruitment strategies, sustainable foodservice, food science, curriculum development, and beyond.
The Journal will feature two articles per month written by proven leaders with successful experience in their chosen subject matter. Articles will also be juried by Dr. Jean Hertzman, CCE, director of New Mexico State University’s School of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management; Dr. Jonathan Deutsch, professor with the Center for Food and Hospitality Management and Department of Nutrition Sciences at Drexel University; and Dr. Glenn Mack, executive director of Brightwater: A Center for the Study of Food.
CAFÉ Members will be notified by email when articles are posted. Additionally, members receive a $25 discount to CAFÉ events held around the country, including the Deans and Directors retreat held March 2-4, 2018, in San Antonio, Texas, as well as the 14th annual Leadership Conference scheduled for June 14-16, 2018, in Milwaukee, Wisc.
The annual $50 CAFÉ membership fee can be paid online by credit card or those interested may request an invoice and remit payment by mail.