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CAFÉ Founder Named Chef Educator of the Year

04 May 2010

By Brent T. Frei

food3_may10Mary Petersen, pioneer in creating learning opportunities for foodservice educators, is honored for her achievements by Cordon d’Or – Gold Ribbon.

Mary Petersen, founder and executive director of the Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education (CAFÉ), has been named Chef Educator of the Year in the 2009-2010 Cordon d’Or - Gold Ribbon Annual International “Cookbooks & Culinary Arts” Culinary Academy Awards.

Noreen Kinney, founder and president of the St. Petersburg, Fla.-based Cordon d’Or - Gold Ribbon Culinary Academy Awards—The Accolade of the 21st Century, honored Petersen and recipients of other award categories at a reception and dinner sponsored by the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association on April 30 at the Don CeSar Resort in St. Pete Beach.

“The Academy was impressed with Mary’s long history of contributions to the culinary-educational field, and felt she definitely deserved recognition on both the national and international culinary stage,” Kinney says. “We are very pleased to present her with a Cordon d’Or - Gold Ribbon Culinary Academy Award.”

Petersen has devoted 25 years to promoting the professional development of foodservice educators. The successful director of a prominent business school in the 1970s and early-ʾ80s, she was enlisted by the St. Augustine, Fla.-based American Culinary Federation Educational Institute (ACFEI) in 1985 to pioneer the development of accreditation criteria based on minimum standards for formal culinary and baking/pastry training programs in the United States. During her 13 years as ACF’s accreditation director, the association grew to become the foremost accrediting entity in the foodservice industry. In 1999 Petersen cofounded the Foodservice Educators Network International (FENI) with Talcott Communications Corporation in Chicago and helped establish the first and still only national publication for foodservice educators, Chef Educator Today.

Five years after launching FENI, Petersen founded the Annapolis, Md.-based Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education (CAFÉ), which specializes in providing needed resources to educators by linking them with the foodservice industry. Through its online e-zine, “The Gold Medal Classroom,” Web site, www.CafeMeetingPlace.com, and series of regional skills and learning workshops, CAFÉ is dedicated to addressing the unique needs of highly specialized professionals who wear two hats as culinarians and teachers.

“It is so appropriate that Mary receive this very special inaugural award,” says Carol Kizer, CCE, RD, FMP, HAAC, chair emeritus of the Hospitality Management Department at Columbus State Community College, Columbus, Ohio, and past president of the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (International CHRIE). “She is truly the pioneer whose forward thinking and passion for high-quality foodservice and culinary education led her to organize and expand professional-development opportunities for culinary educators across the country. Her untiring efforts, superior organizational skills and innovative ideas continue to benefit today’s educators and our future culinarians.”

Petersen has a B.S. degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and an M.S. degree from Rochester Institute of Technology. In 2002 she was awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from The Art Institute of Colorado. The following year, Petersen was presented with the Chef Herman Breithaupt Award from International CHRIE for her leadership efforts on behalf of culinary-arts education. And in 2005, she was inducted into the Honorable Order of the Golden Toque as a lifetime honorary member (one of 15 honorary and only 100 members in the United States). Petersen is a past president and treasurer of the International Foodservice Editorial Council (IFEC), which in 2007 awarded her the “Betty” for outstanding service to the organization. She currently serves on several advisory boards of postsecondary culinary-arts programs.

Kinney, recognized globally as a culinary-arts instructor, author, celebrity chef, restaurant reviewer and culinary judge, established Cordon d'Or - Gold Ribbon in Europe in 1985 for use in her culinary-arts activities. She launched the International “Cookbooks & Culinary Arts” Culinary Academy Awards—The Accolade of the 21st Century program after relocating to Florida in 1995. Members of the Academy annually nominate and vote on awards for Culinary Hall of Fame, Culinary Life Achievement, Culinarian of the Year, Culinary Entrepreneur, Chef of the Year, Cuisine of the Year, Educator of the Year and Cooking School of the Year, as well as top written works.

Other 2009-2010 Cordon d’Or - Gold Ribbon award recipients included:

  • Culinary Hall of Fame: Benjamin Henry “Hank” Kaestner, III, McCormick & Co.
  • Culinarian of the Year: Thomas J. Macrina, CEC, CCA, HGT, AAC, executive chef of the Desmond Great Valley Hotel and Conference Center, Malvern, Pa., and chair of the American Academy of Chefs
  • Culinary Life Achievement: Shirley O Corriher, food scientist, author and teacher, Atlanta
  • Entrepreneur of the Year: Candy Wallace, founder and executive director, American Personal & Private Chef Association, San Diego
  • Cooking School of the Year: The Culinary Institute of America, Hyde Park, N.Y.
  • Culinary Textbook of the Year: The Culinary Professional (Goodheart Willcox Publishers), John Draz, CEC, CCE, and Christopher Koetke, CEC, CCE, Chicago

For more information on the Cordon d’Or - Gold Ribbon International “Cookbooks & Culinary Arts” Culinary Academy Awards—The Accolade of the 21st Century, visit www.cordondorcuisine.com.

Photo caption: (l. to r.) Mary Petersen receives her Chef Educator of the Year Award from Noreen Kinney, founder of St. Petersburg, Fla.-based Cordon d’Or - Gold Ribbon. Photo courtesy of Brent T. Frei