GMC Breaking News

Mar 12, 2025, 16:44
CAFÉ and ACF Form Strategic Partnership

CAFÉ and ACF Form Strategic Partnership

The American Culinary Federation (ACF) and the Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education (CAFÉ) have agreed to a partnership focusing on education and events.

CAFÉ members will receive discounted registrations to the 2018 conferences as well as the ACF national convention. They will also have the opportunity to meet during the 2018 national convention for an educational event.

In turn, CAFÉ will help promote ACF certification as well as accreditation. CAFÉ attendees at the annual Leadership Conference in Milwaukee, June 14-16, will have a chance to meet and discuss these educational offerings with ACF staff during the InfoFair.

CAFÉ members will enjoy the following ACF discounts to the ACF events:

ChefConnect Conferences in Charlotte, NC, February 25-27

  • Full Registration with Meals, Pre-Registration: $700 ($150 discount)
    Onsite: $800 ($250 discount)
  • Full Education Registration, no meals: Pre-Registration: $400 ($50 discount)
    Onsite $500 ($150 discount)
  • Education Day Badges: Pre-Registration: $250 ($200 discount)
    Onside: $300 ($250 discount)

2018 Cook. Craft. Create. National Convention, July 15-19 in New Orleans

  • Full Registration with Meals (Pre-Registration: $900 ($325 discount)
    Onsite $1,025 ($300 discount)
  • Full Education Registration, no meals: Pre-Registration: $650 ($100 discount)
    Onsite: $750 ($100 discount)
  • Educational Day Badges: Pre-Registration: $200 ($185 discount)
    Onside: $200 ($385 discount)

To register and receive the special lower registration rate for this ACF ChefConnect or Cook.Craft.Create. Conferences, please call 1-800-624-9458 and mention the CAFÉ/Center for the Advancement of Foodservice Education discount.

To sign up for CAFÉ membership, click here.