GMC Breaking News

Mar 14, 2025, 17:09

Avocado Plantain Trio Wins Hass Avocado Board Recipe Contest

news3_aug10Students at Drexel University’s Hospitality Management, Culinary Arts and Food Science Program demonstrated championship form during the Fresh Hass Avocado Student Recipe Competition held in Philadelphia June 3. Twelve semi-finalists vied for cash awards with original and inspired fresh avocado recipes. Jessica Leung (pictured), a junior in the culinary-arts program, took first place and $750 with Avocado Plantain Trio, a creative twist on the classic chip-and-dip appetizer.

For her winning dish (pictured), Leung topped thin slices of deep-fried plantain with Fresh Hass Avocados paired with different flavorings to reflect three basic tastes: sour (pickled), umami (savory) and sweet. Her goal: to highlight the diversity of flavors that can complement avocados in a variety of ways. According to the judges, she accomplished her objective.


Second place and $500 was awarded to Zack Goldstein, a food-science major, for Bacon Wrapped Avocado served on Fried Corn Tortilla. Chris Paul’s Haitian Revolution Maki and Rob Fournier’s Pacific Summer Rolls tied for third place, with each student taking home $125 for a dish well done.

Christina Pirello, renowned cookbook author and Emmy Award-winning host of the television series “Christina Cooks!” joined Drexel University faculty and staff to judge the 12 semi-finalist recipes. Judges used a 10-point scale to evaluate each entry for creative use of avocado, texture/doneness, presentation and overall taste.

The Hass Avocado Board foodservice program focuses on culinary education and training. “The Hass Avocado Board’s student recipe competition provided a platform for our students to test their professional talent and skills. I’m very proud of every student, and delighted to see their collective creativity put to work for this Fresh Hass Avocado competition,” said Chef Charles B. Ziccardi, culinary-arts program manager.

The Hass Avocado Board (HAB) was established in 2002 after approval by producers and importers of Hass avocados in a national referendum. A 12-member board administers the program. More than 20,000 producers and 100 importers are involved in the HAB, which covers fresh domestic and imported Hass avocados sold in the U.S. market.

For more information about Hass Avocado Board culinary-school student recipe competitions, call (949) 341-3250.