GMC Breaking News

Mar 9, 2025, 21:56

California Dairy Families Partner with Los Angeles School District for Program Supporting Students and Classroom with Nutrition Education and Prizes

news4_dec10The California Milk Advisory Board recently announced a partnership with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) to educate students about the benefits of milk and offer awards for collecting Real California Milk seals. The Real California Milk Supports Real California Schools program provides information to elementary students in the state’s largest school district about healthy eating and drinking choices and offers a chance to win prizes for themselves and their classrooms. LAUSD students and their families are encouraged to look for the Real California Milk seals in their local stores and are challenged to collect these seals for a chance to win Wii Fit™ game consoles, books and $500 classroom awards.

“By serving only 100% California milk in its schools, the Los Angeles Unified School District is showing its commitment to supporting California’s more than 1750 dairy families that provide nutritious, wholesome milk to Californians everywhere,” said Stan Andre, CEO of the CMAB. “The Real California Milk Supports Real California Schools program gives these dairy families a chance to support LA’s struggling schools while offering important information to students, teachers and families about the milk and dairy products that carry the Real California Milk seal.”

“We welcome the partnership of the Real California dairy families in a collective effort to promote healthy food and lifestyles,” said Superintendent Ramon C. Cortines. “This partnership affirms our commitment to combat diabetes, obesity and other health issues.”

Real California Milk Supports Real California Schools began December 1, 2010, and runs for three months. School materials include promotional posters, flyers with coupons for items with the Real California Milk and Real California Cheese seals, seal collection envelopes, cafeteria posters and teacher resources for nutrition information and curricula from Dairy Council of California. LAUSD elementary students and their families can enter by submitting Real California Milk seals from the fluid milk and dairy they purchase at retailers throughout the Los Angeles area. Each seal counts as an entry. Contest rules and restrictions are available at

The Los Angeles Unified School District has more than 500 elementary schools with over 311,000 students and is the second largest school district in the United States.

Dairy products made with California milk can be identified by the Real California Milk seal, which certifies that the products are made exclusively with milk produced on California dairy farms. In addition to milk, California also produces more butter, ice cream, yogurt and nonfat dry milk than any other state. The state is the second-largest producer of cheese, which is available nationally under the Real California Cheese seal.